Customer Comments
I've been making the Wondrous! Vulva Puppet since 1993. I have thousands of comments, some heart warming, some emotional, some of pure joy. Here are a few...but first a word by two leading Gynecologists Dr. Miriam Greene and Dr. Lauren Streicher about the Wondrous Vulva Puppet.

"The original, the greatest! I've been using Wondrous vulva puppets in my work for over 20 years and they just get more and more beautiful"
What customers are saying…
Shanoax, Sex Educator Says:
As a certified sex educator the Vulva Puppet will be very useful. It was crafted with very close attention to detail and with great quality materials. Highly recommended. Thanks :)
Marilisse Mars, Sex Therapist Says:
As a sex therapist, this is a great tool I use to work with my clients. It is well made, anatomically accurate, and pretty! Love it!!!
Setruby, Sex Coach Says:
It shipped so quickly and is so well made! Really excited to start using it in my sex coaching practice.
Super fast shipping is the least cool thing about this. Gorgeous, useful, already showed someone their g-zone. Thanks for helping sex educators teach the world about their bodies!
Casey Wilen says:
Simply the best! So useful as teaching aides
MICKI ALLEN, Sexual Health Educator Says:
Don't be fooled by knockoffs. Perfectly matched expectations with luxurious materials. Wonderful tool for fellow sexual health educators. Highly recommend.
HumbleOhSoPrettyOne Says:
I absolutely ADORE my beautiful, soft, and perfect Vulva Puppet! Dorrie is truly amazing and I am so grateful for her creation :) It's easy to work with I plan to use it for years! Thank you Dorrie!
brooklynchic76 Says:
I LOVE this item!!!! I am a performer and I use it in my show as well as to educate men and women!!!
Radha Prem Says:
Awesome, thank you so much. I am thrilled with my puppet.
Beautifully crafted, shipped super speedy, and a pleasure to deal with. thank you so much ;o)
Ashlie Kendall, Sex Therapist Says:
I love my new Vulva puppet!! As a sex therapist it looks great in my office and will be a great educational tool to use with my clients.
ZChristine72 Says:
The Yoni vulva puppet was an exceptional investment for my business! The materials are threaded carefully which makes for easy handling and demonstration; color scheme is superb for clients to distinguish specific body parts in a professional environment. I love this caricature! Thanks!
Marina Patrice Nolan Says:
Absolutely stunning and beautifully packaged. We can't wait to put this to use at church in our adult sex ed classes!
Myelkie, Gynecologist Says:
I cannot tell you how pleased I am with this purchase! I am a gynecologist and adolescent sexual health educator and this is the perfect way for me to better illustrate the vulva to many young women (and men!) Everything was handled with the utmost professionalism and the product is of the highest quality sewing and construction. Thanks, Dorrie!
Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D. Says:
As a sex educator, I have utilized Dorrie Lane's magnificent puppets and films for so many years. There have been some imitations, but she's the original! She deserves lots of credit for helping women and men appreciate and know the vulva. Dorrie Lane is a vulvalutionary living treasure.
Delinda says:
"There's nothing like the Wondrous Vulva Puppet to create a spark of humor in a conversation that still rides at the edge of many peoples comfort zone. The sensual curves, velvety feel and beauty of these puppets seems to disarm people in a way that opens the door to real discussion about women's sexuality. The puppet is a glorious representation of the amazing feat of nature and spirit that is the vulva. Thanks to Dorrie Lane for bringing this tool to childbirth educators, counselors, therapists, bodyworkers, doctors, midwives, and vulva fans all over the world."
Kim Airs, Sex Toy Expert Says:
Dorrie's one of a kind Vulva Puppets have revolutionized sex education. I, too, always use them to illustrate what we look like in a gentle and positive manner. Holding them has made women cry when they realize they are seeing a reflection of themselves in such a comforting and reassuring way. I can't even think about teaching a class without one. She is truly a Women's Health Hero who deserves accolades from around the world! ..as a Sexuality Counselor your puppets solve so many problems! I'm sure you understand the need to demonstrate in anatomically correct ways without using a real person, "Real Doll" or anything else too real looking (to hedge the blushing and embarrassment that would ensue)
Ellen Says:
The Vulva puppet has been a part of our educational programming for 17 years now. Women and men love to touch her and love that we are able to teach everyone about women's intimate body parts using such a lovely tool. Dorrie has definitely made teaching women's sexuality more beautiful, more fun, and more successful.
"She's wonderful! She looks like royalty. You were right about the colours, they highlight her "assets". My goddess, you must have spent hours on the bead-work. One of the things that all of the women I've talked to about this have said is that she looks like art (the pics that I had of others). I tell them that she is and they get this funny look on their faces ... "
All of the women that we work with on a regular basis - my test marketing group- are sooo looking forward to seeing her in regular presentations from now on. To tell you the truth, just talking about her, with strangers in the local coffeehouse where we do most of our support groups all the way up to the church financial officer who takes care of our accounts, has opened a lot of doors and started to break down some basic negativity towards cunts in general. And everyone, even the religious folk, has responded really positively to her name - can you believe it?
Kathy Maslowski says:
Hi, from the UK, I am a student of sexological bodywork. I received Bast Vulva puppet, but have named her Valerie. I do ventriloquism with her, my friends have been quite surprised at her, not many seen in the UK. The craftsmanship of this vulva is amazing, true art. Thank you so much. Im excited to get teaching with her & hope to educate men & women with this beautiful piece.
Anita Groeneveld says:
Thanx for your great work. I love my vulva puppet and it already teached some women about their vulva.I'm very happy with it.Good luck with your fantastic work!
Pam Bercutt, Owner Bercutt Physical Therapy & Wellness Center, Houston, TX says:
Just received the Wondrous Vulva Puppet today! All of the therapists are thrilled at how anatomically correct and pretty it is! We plan to use it in a sexual healing and female empowerment seminar this weekend at the clinic. Thank you for the perfect prop and the Tip you sent on how to find the clitoral legs!
Katie Pelle, University of Redlands says:
"The Vulva Puppet came! I am absolutely beside myself with enthusiasm as are all of the people who have had the pleasure of seeing and spending time with her! Thank you so much for everything- we already have women wanting to buy their own. She was a tremendous help in our "spring forward into the Vagina" program and will continue to be an incredible resource in our Women's Center!
The Vulva is beautiful, we are opening ourselves to the true feminine mystique!"
Connie Turnage says:
The "Ananda" program is a year long program for girls that includes educational, therapeutic, and fun activities with a different topic each month. Originally we were meeting only on Saturdays. It is all volunteer, but because the girls have so much down time we are adding several weeknight activities during each month and trying to identify a mentor for each girl. Because some parents were nervous about the information shared, we have included a mini rites of passage for the mothers of the girls so that they can get an idea of what we are saying and doing and give them time to understand.
Most of the girls are from poor urban areas,and are classified as high risk- but not all. Our topics relate to issues of moving from a girl to a woman. Topics include education, history, family relations, mental, physical and sexual health, etc. Needless to say the body and sexuality is a hot topic, but we have found the girls-not so different from my own generation-don't know their bodies or own them in a way that is good and healthy for them. Many are sexually active and their partners have seen their vaginas, labias, vulvas, etc. but they haven't seen or touched them and view their bodies as dirty. We are always looking for ways to help them see all that's good and that's theirs and to love, value and care for, and be proud of all of their body.
Marcey, Pure Romance Consultant Says:
I have been using the Wondrous Vulva Puppet in my presentations to show women the parts of their vulva they may never have seen and to educate them about the joys of each of those parts. When I hold up the Vulva Puppet and start speaking, it commands the attention of everyone - even those women who may have been chatting to each other during the rest of my presentation. It focuses them, because women want to know about their bodies and the Vulva Puppet teaches them.
Paupe Says:
Je suis heureux de possder 2 exemplaires magnifiques de la clbre Vulva Puppet. Plus quune sculpture ou une uvre dart, jy vois un message damour et de tendresse adress tout ceux qui ont oubli leur corps. Un travail artistique qui a dautant plus de sens quil sinscrit dans un contexte tellement violent, une actualit mondiale si menaante et une culture occidentale ou la ngation sexuelle et rotique et lobscurantisme refont surface En plus de rveiller le dsir et de raffirmer la beaut de lobjet absolu si dni, mes Vulva Puppets enchantent lesprit et me rappellent quotidiennement ce qui est essentiel ! Merci Dorrie.
Beth Maris Says:
Dorrie is a most generous, kind, and enlightened woman. Her creations have helped many of my clients work through horrific histories of trauma from sexual abuse, but beyond that..These vulva puppets have been incredible resources for anyone who has been uncomfortable with their sexuality the puppets are all exquisite and different..by incorporating her puppets in therapy sessions: they have done more good in a session or two for empowering women and enlightening men than years of talk therapy ..
Elli Sparks Says:
I love my vulva puppet. I use it in my Pleasure Revival classes, which I hold in my living room in the Capital of the Clitoricy - Richmond, VA. My own children, ages 8 and 11, have enjoyed exploring my vulva puppet. What a fabulous way to incorporate a healthy and happy understanding of human sexuality in conversations with my children
Seba Says:
I purchased a Vulva Puppet for my parties that I give for women in their homes. It has been wonderful helping women to see what the body is like and teaching them what is there on their body. I have the Venus Vulva and I just love it. It is a great teaching tool.
Crystal Dawn Morris Says:
I am a certified SkyDancing Tantra teacher and certified nurse-midwife. I love my Vulva puppet and use it in my classes and workshops to teach people about the beauty and power of the yoni and female sexuality. Dorrie you are hero because you are helping women reclaim their sexual power and celebrate the yoni.
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood of the Inland Northwest purchased a beautiful Vulva Puppet from Dorrie Lane. It features major and minor labia, clitoral hood and clitoris, G-spot and a lovely velvet vagina. Our educator uses the model in her sex ed courses, teen pregnancy prevention programs, health fairs and other demonstrations throughout our region. Because of its beauty and luxurious feel, the "puppet" encourages women to get to know and be comfortable with their bodies. Everyone loves to touch it, explore it and, believe it or not, rub it against their cheeks!"

"Dorrie has done a phenomenal job with this product. It was beautifully designed and beautifully packaged as well. As an aspiring sexual educator, I feel as though this is going to help me get to the next level. It is non-intimdating and it's made out of fine material as a little boost to our femininity. "

Partial list of Vulva Puppeteers and Educators
UCSF AIDS Policy Research Center, AIDS Research Institute, SF, CA
Deborah S. Levine, MSW, MAT - Trainer/Community Educator, Planned Parenthood of CT, New Haven, CT
Ms. Charis Denison c/o the Urban School, San Francisco,California
Mary Jo Podgurski, RNC, MA, Academy for Adolescent Health, Inc. Washington, PA
Florence Blas - Health Educator, Department of Public Health & Social Services Maternal & Child Health Program, Hagatna, Guam
Rhonda Chittenden, Regional Educator - Education & Resource Center Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa Des Moines, IA
Di Constantinides, Educator - Planned Parenthood of the Southern Finger Lakes, Ithaca, NY
Paula J. Pedersen, Ed.D. Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Dr. Elsbeth Meuth & Mr. Freddy Weaver, Directors, Tantra Nova Institute Chicago, IL
Linda Faulkner Coleman Director of Education and Training Planned Parenthood of Central Washington
Gaby Martinez, PP Center of El Paso, El Paso, TX
Terry Scalia Executive Assistant, PP of Northeast Florida, Jacksonville, FL
Drue Brenner Director of Education, PP fo Delaware and Otsego Counties, Oneonta, NY
Patsy Montgomery Regional Community Services Director, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte
Laura Anne Stuart, MPH Health Educator, Center for Health Promotion and Wellness (formerly Health Education), MIT Medical Department, Massachusetts
Marlene Pray, Director of Education and Training Planned Parenthood Association of Bucks County, Bristol, PA
Carmen Gomez Mandic Doctoral Student Department of Health and Social Behavior, Harvard School of Public Health
Cindi A.M. Abbott PR/Development Director PP of the Inland Northwest
Michael Pinella Education Director. Planned Parenthood of Palm Beach and Treasure Coast Area, FL
Genevieve Ankeny Education Dept. PPABC Bristol, PA
Kristin Rose Curriculum Coordinator, PP of Buffalo & Erie County, Buffalo, NY
Karen Blessing Community Educator, Planned Parenthood of Central Washington, Walla Walla, WA
Cynthia Grant Vice President of Development Planned Parenthood of Houston & Southeast Texas
Lisa Shelby PPSP, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Emily Herriott Planned Parenthood, San Antonio, TX
Linda Dunn, Education Director, Planned Parenthood of Idaho Boise, Idaho
Regional Community Services Director Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Fresno, CA